Marbleous Neoteny, 1991, 100"x18'x17", silicone, steel shelves
Marbleous Neoteny, 1991, 100"x18'x17", silicone, steel shelves
Marbleous Neoteny, 1991,detail
Marbleous Neoteny, 1991,detail
"Observation Platform #1", 1991, 24"x48"x14", algae, glass, stamps
"Observation Platform #1", 1991, 24"x48"x14", algae, glass, stamps
Morphology of Inactivity, 1991, 77"x43"x34", steel,plastic,human hair, hair from captive Orangutan
Morphology of Inactivity, 1991, 77"x43"x34", steel,plastic,human hair, hair from captive Orangutan
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin Of Alien Spacecraft, 1998, 48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin Of Alien Spacecraft, 1998, 48"x30", stainless steel
Test, Installation "Floriade", 1992, The Hague, chrome plated, acid etched, steel
Test, Installation "Floriade", 1992, The Hague, chrome plated, acid etched, steel
Seeking Brilliance Which  Rejects the Tool, of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30"x27", mixed materials
Seeking Brilliance Which Rejects the Tool, of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30"x27", mixed materials
Seeking Brilliance Which Rejects the Tool of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30x27", maple
Seeking Brilliance Which Rejects the Tool of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30x27", maple
Untitled, 1994, 72"x72", bronze, and iron powder in plaster
Untitled, 1994, 72"x72", bronze, and iron powder in plaster
Untitled, 1994, detail
Untitled, 1994, detail
Interference Articulated, 1994, 40"24"x18, tree, fence
Interference Articulated, 1994, 40"24"x18, tree, fence
Interference Articulated, 1994, 84"x36"x36", tree, fence
Interference Articulated, 1994, 84"x36"x36", tree, fence
Installation, 1994, Postmasters gallery
Installation, 1994, Postmasters gallery
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, 84"x84", painted steel, and bronze
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, 84"x84", painted steel, and bronze
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, detail
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, detail
The Exquisite Genetic Vale Meets Tradition in Sculpture, 1992, 90"x30"x2", iron and bronze powder on plaster, Cyanobacteria on board
The Exquisite Genetic Vale Meets Tradition in Sculpture, 1992, 90"x30"x2", iron and bronze powder on plaster, Cyanobacteria on board
Marbleous Neoteny, 1991, 100"x18'x17", silicone, steel shelves
Marbleous Neoteny, 1991,detail
"Observation Platform #1", 1991, 24"x48"x14", algae, glass, stamps
Morphology of Inactivity, 1991, 77"x43"x34", steel,plastic,human hair, hair from captive Orangutan
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin Of Alien Spacecraft, 1998, 48"x30", stainless steel
Test, Installation "Floriade", 1992, The Hague, chrome plated, acid etched, steel
Seeking Brilliance Which  Rejects the Tool, of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30"x27", mixed materials
Seeking Brilliance Which Rejects the Tool of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30x27", maple
Untitled, 1994, 72"x72", bronze, and iron powder in plaster
Untitled, 1994, detail
Interference Articulated, 1994, 40"24"x18, tree, fence
Interference Articulated, 1994, 84"x36"x36", tree, fence
Installation, 1994, Postmasters gallery
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, 84"x84", painted steel, and bronze
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, detail
The Exquisite Genetic Vale Meets Tradition in Sculpture, 1992, 90"x30"x2", iron and bronze powder on plaster, Cyanobacteria on board
Marbleous Neoteny, 1991, 100"x18'x17", silicone, steel shelves
Marbleous Neoteny, 1991,detail
"Observation Platform #1", 1991, 24"x48"x14", algae, glass, stamps
Morphology of Inactivity, 1991, 77"x43"x34", steel,plastic,human hair, hair from captive Orangutan
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin of Alien Spacecraft, 1998,48"x30", stainless steel
The Origin Of Alien Spacecraft, 1998, 48"x30", stainless steel
Test, Installation "Floriade", 1992, The Hague, chrome plated, acid etched, steel
Seeking Brilliance Which Rejects the Tool, of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30"x27", mixed materials
Seeking Brilliance Which Rejects the Tool of Discipline, 1989, 30"x30x27", maple
Untitled, 1994, 72"x72", bronze, and iron powder in plaster
Untitled, 1994, detail
Interference Articulated, 1994, 40"24"x18, tree, fence
Interference Articulated, 1994, 84"x36"x36", tree, fence
Installation, 1994, Postmasters gallery
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, 84"x84", painted steel, and bronze
Further Modification of Already Specialized Adaptation, 1990, detail
The Exquisite Genetic Vale Meets Tradition in Sculpture, 1992, 90"x30"x2", iron and bronze powder on plaster, Cyanobacteria on board
show thumbnails